Our S-waveplate (radial/azimuth polarization converter) was well tested by researchers Justas Baltrukonis and Orestas Ulčinas from WOP, together with Sergej Orlov and Vytautas Jukna from the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC).
The results they came up with, were published in The Optical Society (OSA) journal JOSA B.
They’ve presented an efficient generation of a high-quality vector Bessel beam using an S-waveplate together with an ordinary glass axicon.
Read Full ArticleLaser-induced modifications in glass with different pulse durations were examined.
Researches achieved material cracking and observe dominant crack propagation directions caused by the generated beam’s intensity asymmetry.
By translating the beam, potential application of vector Bessel beams and their transverse polarization components for microprocessing of transparent materials using ultra-short pulses were demonstrated.
More about S-Waveplate
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