UAB “Altechna R&D”, brand name WORKSHOP OF PHOTONICS, together with the companies EKSPLA, LIDARIS and OPTOMAN presents a new research project UNIPULSE – universal platform for short pulse generation, implemented under EU measure “Eksperimentas”.
The UNIPULSE is dedicated to creating a brand-new product – a compact, industrial-standard high-energy and high-medium-power multi-optical cycle laser system. The operation of the system will be based on Optical Parametric Chirped-Pulse Amplification (OPCPA) technology, which allows to obtain extremely short and high energy laser pulses.
The UNIPULSE system will be focused on ultrafast processes and high-field physics laboratories that perform innovative experiments also practical applications and will feature a unique set of inference parameters and exceptional user features. It will be tested and integrated technologies in research activities to develop the OPCPA system and explore the possibility of significantly increasing its output energy in the future to achieve TW-order peak intensities.
In the experimental development stage, the final prototype of such a system will be constructed and implemented. The chosen OPCPA system concept will result in significantly lower cost and final price of the device compared to the analogs offered on the market. Target users will be able to purchase a reliable device that does not require complex installation and maintenance, allowing them to focus on research rather than tuning and maintaining a laser source.
Project duration: 2 years.
Time period: 2020 07 -2022 07.
The project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund and companies’ own resources.
Total project value – 1.408.451,92 eur
Funding from the European Regional Development Fund – 997.224,59 eur
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